Random reflections on aging:
I turned 64 yesterday. What is 64 supposed to feel like?
I don’t have any new aches and pains (at least not yet), although I did have a nasty encounter with gout about a month ago.
I’ve lost 30 pounds this year, am lifting weights and exercising more.
I just bought a set of golf clubs. Haven’t golfed in 20 years, so I’m thinking I’ll be a bit rusty. Of course, I was never any good in the first place, so I doubt it will show much.
Am I trying to stave off the inevitable?
Am I trying to somehow keep the grim reaper from knocking at my door?
No. I’m smart enough to know that, however much time I’ve got left, it is limited.
But I want that time to be as productive and healthy as possible. For however many years I’ve got left, I want to be strong. I want to be able to enjoy my wonderful wife, family, and friends. I want to be able to serve God in whatever way he wants me to.
I know that there will be things I can’t control. But I want to at least control the things I can.
Does that make sense?
On the plus side, in 364 days I’ll be eligible for all senior citizens’ discounts.
Gotta keep looking forward!
Every breath is a gift that brings us closer to Home! Perfectly expressed my friend…7 weeks till 71! It is even more foreign…the benefits,however, are pretty good for those that can navigate the 200pg Medicare Info booklet!…🤗 praying for ya always! If I don’t see ya here I’ll see ya There!
Thanks, Peggy! Yes, one day closer to home. 🙂