What is “performance chalk art?” It’s an amazing way to tell a story through visuals, music, and amazing black-light effects. I draw a four-by-three foot picture in fifteen minutes while music plays in the background. At the end of the drawing, I turn on a black light, which reveals a previously invisible picture that brings the drawing to a stunning conclusion. Once you see a chalk-art performance, you won’t soon forget the medium–or the message.
I took up performance chalk art in 1978 after watching a chalk artist at a summer camp where I was a counselor. I had just started working as a youth pastor and immediately saw how effective chalk art could be for communicating with my kids.
I quickly discovered that chalk art appeals to all age groups, not just children, and since that time have drawn all over the United States, in venues as large as the Anaheim Convention Center and as small as a family living room.
Since my heart attack, I’ve scaled back on the number of chalk art performances I do each year, but I still love to draw when I can.
You can see a few of my drawings below. If you’re interested in having me come draw for you, drop me a note through the contact form.